Skins for character models are, in fact, the only role that all CS:GO agents play. There are currently 63 agents in Counter Strike. You can get them in 2 ways: perform tasks in operations, which Valve usually launch 1 time a year, or buy (exchange) on specialized sites like Lys-skins, and similar to it.
For the first time gamers were able to get acquainted with agents after the start of the operation «Split Network». The developers opened access to it on November 19, 2019. As a reward, cacers could get one of 22 agents.
CS:GO ct and terrorist agents were subsequently added to the game twice more:
In Operation «Broken Fang», which lasted from December 4, 2020 to May 4, 2021.
In Operation «Predatory Waters», which ran from September 22, 2021 to February 21, 2022.
Top Agents (Part 1)
In selecting the best character skins, we will base our selection on such a criterion as recognition from the community. This recognition is usually expressed in the fact that the prices for the coolest agents on the trading floors
as high as possible.So, the best CS GO agent at the moment in terms of value is Sir Darryl «Damn Miami»: a brutal character in a Hawaiian shirt a la Tommy Versetti from Weiss City and a hockey mask
.Second on the list comes the charming Latina from SEAL Squad - Davida Fernandez «Eyepieces». She is known largely for her voiceover, or rather one phrase to her coworkers that she doesn't want to die a virgin like the rest of them.
Cold, calculating, red-haired thief Fugitive Sally is on the third place of the top CS:GO agents. She can be mistaken for a young boy, as Sally hides her hair under a hat, her eyes under dark glasses, and her girlish hands in leather gloves.
Top agents (part 2)
We continue to tell you about the best agents from the game Counter Strike.
On the fourth place is located secretive and a bit of a gangster Number K. His name agent in CS:GO acquired when he refused to answer the questionnaire at the time of admission to the team «Professionals» and everywhere put only «K». He wears an opaque nylon stocking that covers half his face, and smokes a cigarette, holding it carelessly to his lips, which makes him seem to grin unkindly at all his enemies. And there's a certain truth to that: Number K hates timer bombs. He would be much better if the explosives went off at once.
So, which agent in CS:GO ranked fifth, what faction is he a member of? He is a Special Forces SEAL, prudent to the point of exceptional meticulousness, incisive and persistent «Wet Socks» Frank Baru. He is easily distinguishable from the other agents because of his scuba gear, which bears the number 194 in white. The meticulousness and seriousness of Baru's character is reflected even on his face, if you look closely at him.
Inexpensive but beautiful agents (part 1)
The characters we talked about above can definitely not be classified as the cheapest agents in CS:GO. At least, because their prices range from 2500 to 5500 rubles on average. It's clear that some Kaesers can't afford such expenses, but at the same time they want something interesting for a reasonable price, and so that the skin of the character does not look terrible. That's why we've compiled our list of budget and cool agents.
First on the list is Agent Ava, who plays for the FBI team and the Special Forces faction. Of course, Ava can hardly be called a cheap skin for the character, but the fact that it's clearly top-1 among the beautiful CS:GO agents is, in our opinion, without options. So to lay out about 1200 - 1300 rubles as of April 2023 on such a beauty, in general, should not be a pity.
In second place with the same price tag as Ava is the terrorist Burglar Voltsman. She's probably the most charismatic female character among the terrorists with cool purple short hair and shaved temples. Her gaze is hidden under dark blue glasses, but Voltzman's eyes don't even need to be seen to understand: she looks at enemies like a wolf at prey.
Inexpensive but beautiful agents (part 2)
Now due to the upcoming release of Counter Strike Part 2
the prices for skins and agents have started to rise. On cheap characters, the price tag has increased by 2-4 times. Osiris is no exception to this rule and Osiris - terrorist agent CS:GO.If earlier it could be purchased for 30-40 rubles, now it is estimated at 150-175 rubles.
Osiris stands out with a bright red shirt with rolled up sleeves and a yellow arafatka, which shows a print of a tiger's grin
And the arafat even gives Osiris a certain stylishness due to how beautifully it covers his neck and falls down to his chest. A well-deserved third place in our list.In the fourth place we will put the sniper, special forces agent of CS:GO, reliable FBI officer Cyphers. A clear focused gaze gives away the professional athlete in Cyphers, however, he had to end his career prematurely due to injury and left for the FBI. Cyphers, like a true athlete, is obsessed with achieving work goals, but he hasn't lost his positive outlook on the world since his injury and isn't looking to go head-to-head. If you like this agent, it now costs in the neighborhood of 300-350 rubles.
Hitboxes of CS:GO agents
In simple words, a hitbox is a certain area on character models, when shooting at which the game records a hit to a specific part of the body. For example, there is a separate head hitbox, separate hitboxes for each leg and arm, etc.
They are distinguished from each other by a so-called damage multiplier. For the head, it is clear that it is maximum, because a headshot puts the character down, but for the leg, hitting it gives 10-20 health. View hitboxes for individual areas of character models and damage multipliers you can in special configuration files with the extension .qc in the folder Counter Strike on your computer.
Initially, it was generally accepted that Valve made the same hitboxes agents CS:GO. However, enthusiasts immediately determined that the agents had differences in neck volume as well as head volume.
The result was a 96 point difference in hitboxes between the best and worst models in terms of volume. The percentage is 16.75%. That is, there are models in the game that are easier to hit than others.
More about hitboxes
Experimentally, it has been determined that there are real agents with a hitbox that is smaller than other agents. This means the following: if you play a model with a low hitbox, you have an advantage because you are harder to hit.
Some of the most smallest CS:GO agents in terms of hitboxes among terrorists are «Professionals» (Number K, Burglar Voltzman, Fugitive Sally), who have minimal hitbox in the head area. Among the CT leaders are the FBI (Agent Ava, Michael Cyphers), although their heads are a bit bigger than those
«Professionals».The worst agents in terms of hitboxes among special forces are SAS, and among terrorists - the team «Guerrillas» together with «Elite Squad» (Osiris).
From this we can conclude: if you are interested in making your way into cybersport, make it your profession, and Counter Strike for you is not a vacation or a place for ponts, then for you the best agents of CS:GO should not be the most expensive or beautiful, but with the lowest hitbox, so that during the roll you more often survived and, accordingly, make more frags. Use any tiny advantage that the game gives, and let you always have a good game.
Interesting facts about agents
First. Developers from Valve made a customized voice and hands of agents of CS:GO. Unique character model differences were introduced back during «the Split Network» in 2019. In the future, Valve has periodically improved the sleeves of the models on its own initiative or at the request of the community when, for example, agents and their hands merged with the map due to poorly rendered textures.
Second. In Counter Strike, there are Russian-speaking agents from a faction called «Cavalry», which refers to terrorists. The most colorful of them all is Dr. Romanoff. You can hear a distinct Russian accent in his speech in English. In addition, he occasionally speaks Russian «Goodbye», «Yes», «Thank you».
At Lys-skins, a trading platform of CS:GO agents, skins, stickers and other cool stuff from the world of Counter Strike, you can buy your favorite agent by going to .